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575-525-4680 / 888-221-9386

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Modular vs Manufactured

Although the terms “modular home,” “manufactured home” and “mobile home” often get used synonymously, the truth is that they are not quite the same thing. While both mobile and modular homes are manufactured, or built in factories, the materials and processed used to build them differ slightly. Understanding the difference can help you make the right choice when buying either of these manufactured homes.

Modular Homes

Modular homes are built to the same building code as traditional site-built houses. They are designed in modules that are transported to their location and assembled with a crane, and the end result is often practically indistinguishable from any other house. Modular homes are built to meet the same local codes as any other house.

Manufactured Homes

A mobile home, like all manufactured homes, is made in a factory. However, it is built on the foundation of a metal I-beam. This allows them to be towed on trailers, and it means that most mobile homes sit on blocks with vinyl skirting rather than directly on a concrete foundation. Most modern mobile homes are built with similar materials to a modular or site-built home. Mobile homes meet federal codes laid out by HUD rather than local building codes.

Which is Better?

Both types of manufactured home pose multiple benefits over traditional site-built homes:

  • Energy efficiency
  • Reduced waste during construction
  • Protection from the elements during construction
  • Customizable floor plans


The best way to decide whether modular or manufactured homes are right for you is to weigh your options and discuss them with a professional. The team at Fiesta Homes can help you understand which type of home is best for you and your family. Contact us today to discuss your options or to view our floor plans!

Contact Fiesta Homes today to learn more about mobile and modular homes.